
  • Exam marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Monday 28 August 2023, 10:13:03 AM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Final exam can be checked from your CSE account or WebCMS3 now.

    You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec


    to see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    Best regards.

  • Group project marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Saturday 26 August 2023, 08:08:42 AM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Group Project and feedback can be checked from your CSE account or WebCMS3 now.

    You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec


    to see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    Best regards.

  • COMP9517 23T2 Exam 17 August 2023

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 17 August 2023, 08:06:46 AM.

    Dear Students,

    The COMP9517 23T2 exam has just been released on Moodle.

    See the Final Exam Paper in the Final Exam section for full information (it is nearly identical to the sample exam paper we released recently, so it should look familiar to you). It also contains the link to the scientific article assigned to you (this is randomly assigned from a pool of articles, so you are likely assigned a different article than your friends).

    Please use the link Final Exam Submission via Turnitin to submit your commentary by the given deadline. You must use one of the provided templates for writing your commentary (just pick any one of the four that works best for you). These are the same templates as the ones we provided with the sample exam paper on WebCMS.

    There are special links for students who have been granted late submission ("ELP Students Only"). Those links are accessible only to those specific students and are to be ignored by other students.

    Good luck with the exam, and if you have any questions during the exam period, please post them on Ed or email the course admin.

    Best wishes,

  • Group peer review is now open

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Saturday 05 August 2023, 04:30:00 PM, last modified Saturday 05 August 2023, 04:33:03 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The peer review for all groups is now open. This is for each member of the group to enter a participation percentage for all their own group members, including themselves. The deadline for this activity is Tuesday 8th August 18:00:00 Sydney time.

    To enter the peer-review, log in into Moodle and click on Review your project team contribution. Click 'Add submission' and submit an empty file. You will be taken to the review page, where you can select the percentages of all team member contributions, and optionally add comments (refer image below for the interface with a slider and comments section). Comments, if any, should include a statement about your own contribution and contributions of all other members. If applicable, please add links to any supporting evidence.
    Please do not submit your comments/ peer-evaluation in a file under the assignment file submission link as it is only used to enable the percentage slider & comments section. Please submit an empty file there.

    IMPORTANT : If you do not follow these steps your comments might be viewable by other group members.
    Please follow the instructions and post further questions on Ed.

    Please note: all group members must enter their peer-review. The project marking will not be completed unless all members fill this in.

    Best Regards,

  • Lab 4 marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Saturday 05 August 2023, 04:13:20 PM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Lab4 has been released. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    To see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.

    The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow.

  • Plagiarism Policy

    Posted by Erik Meijering Saturday 05 August 2023, 02:01:51 AM.

    Dear Students,

    Following on from the previous post regarding the final exam: We are aware that some students have been approached by ghost writing services. Please be reminded of the note in the sample exam paper that you are to write an original commentary yourself and not copy material from any source. All submissions will be checked for plagiarism, which includes the use of external writing services or generative tools. The markers will be using advanced tools to screen for this and report any cases. The final exam paper will include more explicit language regarding the plagiarism policy.

    The COMP9517 23T2 Team

  • Sample Exam Materials

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 04 August 2023, 08:10:50 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Sample exam materials are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Assessments > Final Exam.

    As explained in more detail there, the exam consists of reading a (randomly assigned) scientific paper and writing a commentary on it, using the knowledge you have acquired in the course.

    The materials include a sample exam paper, exam templates in various formats, and three examples of scientific papers with corresponding commentaries that received high marks in previous terms.

    This should give you a good idea of what to expect in the final exam on 17 August 2023. If you have any general questions, please post them in the Ed forum so other students may benefit from the answers too.

    Good luck with the final exam preparations!


  • Week 10 Guest Lecture (Not On Campus)

    Posted by Erik Meijering Saturday 29 July 2023, 07:31:10 PM.

    Dear Students,

    As you are probably all very busy preparing the group project demo and report, and we managed to schedule all group presentations on Friday August 4th, we decided to be flexible with the Week 10 Monday lecture time slot. That is to say, there will be no official lecture, neither on campus nor livestreamed , but we have a 1-hour guest lecture from an external speaker, which you can watch at your own convenience . It is a prerecorded talk and has already been uploaded to Echo360.

    More specifically, the talk is from Dr Tomasz Bednarz, about his work at the EPICentre (Expanded Perception & Interaction Centre), which is a shared UNSW research facility located at the UNSW Art & Design campus. The talk is about applied hybrid analytics and computer vision applications for research and industry . Dr Bednarz recently became a Director of Strategic Researcher Engagement at NVIDIA and is currently based in the US.

    We hope you will find the talk inspiring as it showcases a wide range of computer vision methods and applications.

    And we wish you all the best with the group project demos on Friday!

    The COMP9517 Team

  • Lab 3 marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Friday 28 July 2023, 11:50:35 PM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Lab3 has been released. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    To see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.

    The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow.

  • Project demo instructions

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Friday 28 July 2023, 11:48:52 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The group project presentation is scheduled on Week 10, Friday 04th August, 12:30PM - 4:00PM.

    1. As stated in the group project specification, each group will make a video not more than 10 mins and submit it through WebCMS3 Course Page > Assessment > Group project video submission by Wednesday 02nd August 18:00:00 Sydney time . Only ONE video per group .

    2. The deadline for submitting the project report is Friday 04th August 18:00:00 Sydney time . Only ONE report per group .

    3. The link to the Demo presentation and Q&A is on Moodle > Group project demo sessions > [your tutor's name] Project Demo Session.

    4. Detailed project demo time for each group is released on WebCMS3 > Assessment > Project > Group project demo schedule . Please note that this is a tentative schedule. The final schedule will be released on Tuesday 01st August. All group members must attend the project demo to answer question from tutors. If you have questions about the schedule, please email the course administration at

    Please check your specific demo time and demo session to make sure you attend the demo ON TIME.

    Best Regards.

  • Week 9 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 28 July 2023, 04:03:05 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 9 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Week 9 Guest Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 27 July 2023, 07:41:15 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 9 Monday and Friday guest lectures are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 9. Cheers, Erik

  • myExperience Survey

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 24 July 2023, 07:30:20 PM.

    Hi Students,

    Thanks to all of you who have completed the myExperience survey so far. If you haven't yet participated, you can find the myExperience link on your Moodle course page or look for the link in your student email.

    Your honest and constructive feedback is valued, and helps not only students taking this course, but myself and teaching staff across UNSW to create positive changes in their courses moving forward. Your thoughts also make a difference for the next group of students taking these courses, just as thoughts from students taking courses you plan to take make a difference for you.

    Please know that myExperience is confidential and your identity is not included in reports. Results of the survey are not made available until your course results are released.


  • Week 9 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 24 July 2023, 07:25:29 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 9 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Week 9 Lectures Online (Not On Campus)

    Posted by Erik Meijering Sunday 23 July 2023, 01:41:45 PM.

    Hi Students,

    This week we will have three guest lectures (two on Monday and one on Friday, at the usual lecture times) by postdoctoral fellows in our Computer Vision Group at the School of Computer Science and Engineering.

    The lecturers are Dr Tariq Khan, Dr Sonit Singh, and Dr Lian Xu, who are experts on machine and deep learning based computer vision for a range of applications, which they will talk about.

    For practical reasons, their lectures will be held online only, not on campus. Just click the Moodle links to the online lectures as per usual.


  • Week 8 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Saturday 22 July 2023, 02:24:14 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 8 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). I presented from a different computer system this time, and unfortunately the audio was a bit noisy. Also, I showed a lot of video clips with motion estimation and tracking results, but some of them don't run very smoothly in the recording. Apparently, the livestream (or perhaps only the recording) had some difficulty with the different frame rates. Anyway, I think/hope you'll get the idea. Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 2 marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Friday 21 July 2023, 10:19:41 PM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Lab 2 have been released. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    To see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow.

  • Week 8 Friday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 20 July 2023, 07:01:23 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 8 Friday lecture are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 8. Cheers, Erik

  • COMP9517 23T2 Exam Period

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 17 July 2023, 05:52:17 PM.

    Dear Students,

    The final exam table has been confirmed today. The COMP9517 23T2 final exam has been scheduled for Thursday 17 August 2023 and will be online.

    More specifically, there will be 24 hours between the release time and the submission deadline: from 17 August 2023 8:00am until 18 August 2023 8:00am (Sydney time).

    Note that the exam itself should not be more than about 3 hours of work, which you can complete and submit anytime during the above period, thus avoiding conflicts with other exams (if any).

    Further details, including a sample exam paper, will be provided in Week 10.

    Best wishes,

  • Week 8 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 17 July 2023, 04:29:28 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 8 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Week 8 Lectures Online (Not On Campus)

    Posted by Erik Meijering Sunday 16 July 2023, 05:33:23 PM.

    Hi students, both lectures this week will be online, not on campus. I developed a cold and a sore throat in the past days, to the point that I'd better not come to campus. Hopefully my voice is going to be okay tomorrow, so I can give the lecture online. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 8 Monday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Sunday 16 July 2023, 05:24:39 PM.

    Hi everyone, this week's lectures will be on the topic of motion estimation and object tracking in time series of images (videos). On Monday I will cover the fundamentals and on Friday I will show lots of examples from my own research over the years. The slides of the Monday lecture are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 8. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 7 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 14 July 2023, 05:49:48 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 7 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Assignment 1 marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Friday 14 July 2023, 10:22:53 AM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Assignment 1 have been released. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    To see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow.

  • Week 7 Friday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 13 July 2023, 10:20:09 AM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 7 Friday lecture are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 7. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 7 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 10 July 2023, 03:54:58 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 7 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Week 7 Monday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 10 July 2023, 08:55:25 AM.

    Hi everyone, this week's lectures will be on the topic of deep learning for computer vision, and will be given by Dr Dong Gong. As most of you will want to use deep learning methods for the group project, these are important lectures. The slides of the Monday lecture are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 7. Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 4 submission link open

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Friday 07 July 2023, 12:57:48 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Submission link for the Lab 4 is now open on the WebCMS3 course website, under Course Work -> Assessments -> Lab4.

    Please read the submission instructions before submitting.

    If you have any issues uploading the file, email


  • Week 6

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 03 July 2023, 09:05:09 AM.

    Hi Students,

    This week is Flexibility Week, which means there are no lectures (neither on Monday nor on Friday).

    We do offer the possibility to meet with your tutors on Friday 2-3pm (the usual time slot) in case you have any questions about the final lab and/or the group project.

    As announced by the course admin, the project groups have now been finalized. We highly encourage you to meet with your group members this week and brainstorm about the project and agree amongst yourselves how to divide the workload.

    Doing this before Friday allows you to identify any issues early on and discuss them with your tutors during the consultation session if needed. Of course, as always, you can also post any questions on Ed.

    We wish you all a great time working on the computer vision project!


  • Datasets Download

    Posted by Kunzi Xie Friday 30 June 2023, 10:21:42 PM.

    As some students have signup issues with downloading the datasets from the Kaggle website, we upload the Project dataset on our WebCMS3 which is under the Assessments-->Group Project-->Group Project Dataset Download.

    Also, we created the Google Drive shared link of this dataset as well. The link is

    Unfortunately, due to our upload size limitation, we cannot upload the Lab4 dataset Dogs and Cats on our WebCMS3, so we only can supply the Google Drive shared link of it. The link is

    Please contact our admin if you have any problems with the download.

    Wish you all have a great score this term.

  • Project Groups Released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Friday 30 June 2023, 09:35:47 PM.

    Dear Students,

    All students have now been allocated to a project group. Only students from the same tutor group are allocated to the same project group. Accordingly, we had to make some changes to the already existing project groups that you have indicated before. Please check the project group you have been allocated to, under WebCMS3 COMP9517 --> Course Work --> Assessments --> Group Project --> Project group (by zID)/ Project group (by Group) .

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Kind Regards,


  • Group Project Specification Released

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 30 June 2023, 05:15:45 PM.

    Hi Students,

    The Group Project specification and marking criteria are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Assessments > Group Project.

    Have a great time in the coming weeks developing computer vision methods and solving the described problem with your group. I'm looking forward to seeing the results in Week 10.

    In the meantime, the tutors are available in Weeks 6-9 to provide feedback if you have any questions.


  • Week 5 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 30 June 2023, 04:43:01 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 5 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 4 Specification Released

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 30 June 2023, 09:21:43 AM.

    Hi Students, the Lab 4 specification is now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Assessments > Lab 4. The lab is about image classification (part of this week's lectures on pattern recognition). If you have any questions, please ask your tutors this afternoon or post them on Ed. The deadline for submission is Week 7, Monday 10 July 2023, 18:00:00. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 5 Friday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 29 June 2023, 02:02:37 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 5 Friday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 5. Cheers, Erik

  • Please form your project groups this week

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Tuesday 27 June 2023, 03:21:12 PM.

    Dear students,

    For the COMP9517 group project, you must form your project groups this week. There must be 5 students in each project group and all members must be from the same tutor consultation group. For a list of students in each tutor group, please check "Assessment > Tutor Consultation Groups > Tutor Groups by Group". If anyone has not been able to form a group by Friday 30th June , we will allocate you to a group.

    We have set up a separate section Project Group Formation in the Q&A forum Ed . Here, you can post messages if you need other students in the course to join your group.

    To register your project groups:

    1. On the course web page on WebCMS3, go to Groups and click on the 'Default' tab .
    2. To create a new group click on Create (top right).
    3. Select "Default " fro m the Group Type drop-down.
    4. Enter your group's name (inappropriate group names will not be accepted).
    5. You can then add other students to your group by clicking on the add button.
    6. Alternatively, you can click on the Join button beside the name of an existing group to join it.

    If you have any problems, please post on the Ed forum.

    Best regards,

  • Lab 1 marks released

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Tuesday 27 June 2023, 02:10:20 PM.

    Dear students,

    The marks for Lab1 have been released. You can access your marks by logging in to your account and typing:

    9517 classrun -sturec

    To see your marks on WebCMS3:

    • Select Timetable
    • Select 1PGA or 1UGA (postgraduate/undergraduate)
    • Scroll down to Class Roll
    • Select the “marks” icon (similar to a bar chart) against your name.
    • Follow instructions to view marks

    The WebCMS3 system updates overnight so you may not be able to access the marks through WebCMS3 until tomorrow.

  • Lab 3 submission link open

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Tuesday 27 June 2023, 02:08:34 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Submission link for the Lab3 is now open on the WebCMS3 course website, under Course Work -> Assessments -> Lab3.

    Please read the submission instructions before submitting.

    If you have any issues uploading the file, email


  • Week 5 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 26 June 2023, 09:48:31 PM.

    Hi Students,

    The video recording of the Week 5 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures).

    During the first 30 minutes or so, there were some Wifi-connection problems, as a result of which the audio (and sometimes also the video) dropped out quite a few times in the livestream. Apologies to those who followed the lecture online.

    This means our recording of the livestream has the same issues, BUT luckily I was able to find the recording from the lecture room (initially I didn't even know we had it), which has no issues. The only thing is that the slideshow is a bit more in the distance, but it is still readable. If you keep the slide handouts (available on WebCMS) on the side, you have perfect video and audio.

    Hope you like this version.



  • Week 5 Monday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Sunday 25 June 2023, 12:42:01 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 5 Monday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 5. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 4 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 23 June 2023, 06:35:14 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    The video recording of the Week 4 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures).

    We did not go through all of the slides I uploaded to WebCMS earlier today, but I think (hope) the rest is relatively self-explanatory based on what we discussed, so I leave that as homework for you to study. Happy to answer any questions on Ed.

    Next week Dr Dong Gong will teach you about Pattern Recognition.

    For now, have a good weekend.


  • Lab 3 Specification Released

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 23 June 2023, 11:11:59 AM.

    Hi students, the lab 3 specification and images are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Assessments > Lab 3. The lab is about image segmentation (the topic of this week's lectures). If you have any questions, please ask your tutors this afternoon or post them on Ed. The deadline for submission is Week 5, Friday 30 June 2023, 18:00:00. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 4 Friday Lecture

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 23 June 2023, 09:25:42 AM.

    Hi Students,

    Today's lecture will be online (see link in Moodle) from 1pm until approximately 2.15pm. The rest of the time until 3pm is available to meet with your tutors to discuss any remaining questions you may have about the lab (submission deadline is 6pm today). The slides of today's lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 4.


  • Week 4 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 19 June 2023, 09:07:41 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 4 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 2 submission link open

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Monday 19 June 2023, 04:47:26 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Submission links for the Lab2 is now open on the WebCMS3 course website, under Course Work -> Assessments -> Lab2.

    Please read the submission instructions before submitting.

    If you have any issues uploading the file, email


  • Week 4 Monday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Sunday 18 June 2023, 07:24:27 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 4 Monday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 4. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 3 Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 16 June 2023, 04:46:04 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 3 lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 2 Specification Released

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 16 June 2023, 02:23:04 PM.

    Hi students, the lab 2 specification and materials are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Assessments > Lab 2. As this lab is about some of the topics taught only today, we did not release it earlier. If you have any questions, please post them on Ed. The deadline for submission is Week 4, Friday 23 June 2023, 18:00:00. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 3 Friday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 15 June 2023, 10:27:24 AM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 3 Friday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 3. It will be a 2-hour online lecture (follow the link in Moodle) on image feature representation and will be given by my colleague Dr Dong Gong. There will be no tutor consultation session tomorrow, but the tutors are ready to answer your questions on Ed. Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 1 and Assignment submission links open

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Saturday 10 June 2023, 03:42:40 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Submission links for the Lab1 and Assignment are now open on the WebCMS3 course website, under Course Work -> Assessments -> Lab1 or Assignment.

    Please read the submission instructions before submitting.

    If you have any issues uploading the file, email



  • Week 3 Planning

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 09 June 2023, 04:08:28 PM, last modified Monday 12 June 2023, 10:01:41 AM.

    Hi everyone, just to make sure you're all aware:

    Monday June 12th is a public holiday (King's Day) so there will be no lecture (neither on campus nor online).

    On Friday June 16th, Dr Dong Gong will give a 2-hour lecture (online) on the topic of feature representation.

    So there will be no tutor session on Friday. The tutors will spend extra time on Ed if needed to answer your questions.

    The deadline for submitting the first lab is Wednesday June 14th 6pm.

    Around that time we will release the next lab.

  • Week 2 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 09 June 2023, 03:02:04 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 2 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Week 2 Friday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 08 June 2023, 05:20:44 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 2 Friday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 2. Cheers, Erik

  • Assignment Specification Updated

    Posted by Erik Meijering Wednesday 07 June 2023, 11:06:03 AM.

    Hi everyone, please note that the assignment specification has been updated on WebCMS, following a discussion on Ed (thread #87) regarding the triangle thresholding method, which requires a modification for some images. Cheers, Erik

  • Lab 1 Specification Released

    Posted by Erik Meijering Wednesday 07 June 2023, 10:34:17 AM.

    The lab 1 specification and materials are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Assessments > Lab 1. Deadline for submission is Week 3, Wednesday 14 June 2023, 18:00:00.

  • Tutor consultation group update

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Tuesday 06 June 2023, 04:40:58 PM.

    Dear students,

    We have updated the groups according to the changes of student enrolments. You MUST check the group you belong to again from WebCMS3 > Assessment > Tutor Consultation Groups > Tutor Groups by zID/ Tutor Groups by Group. Please join the respective tutor consultation session from this Friday (09/06/2023) onwards.

    If you have any questions, please let us know as soon as possible.


    Best regards.

  • Assignment Specification Released

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 05 June 2023, 07:50:19 PM.

    Hi Students,

    Now that we have introduced the basics of image processing in the spatial domain (last week and today), it is time for you to get some experience implementing image processing algorithms.

    To this end, we have designed an assignment, which is worth 10% of your final mark for the course. The assignment specification and materials are now available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Assessments > Assignment. Deadline for submission is Week 4, Monday 19 June 2023, 18:00:00.

    If you have any questions, you can post them in the Q&A forum on Ed, or ask your tutor in the consultation session this Friday.


  • Week 2 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 05 June 2023, 06:05:44 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 2 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Cheers, Erik

  • Week 2 Monday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Sunday 04 June 2023, 12:57:48 PM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 2 Monday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 2. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 1 Friday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Friday 02 June 2023, 05:21:38 PM.

    Hi everyone, the video recording of the Week 1 Friday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). Have a good weekend. Erik

  • Week 1 Friday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 01 June 2023, 10:28:28 AM.

    Hi Students,

    The slides of the Week 1 Friday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 1.

    This Friday (June 2nd) we will have a 2-hour lecture fully online (not on campus). You can find the link to the online lecture on the Moodle page of the course.

    The first tutorial session will be next Friday (June 9th) in the second hour of the lecture time slot, where the tutors will explain more about the software used in the course.


  • Week 1 Monday Lecture Recording Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Tuesday 30 May 2023, 08:57:32 AM.

    Hi students, the video recording of the Week 1 Monday lecture is now available on Echo360 (see link on Moodle or WebCMS3 > Course Work > Lectures). There are unfortunately some small hiccups in the audio throughout the video, and the volume is a bit low, but the lecture should still be easy to follow. If you have any further questions about the content, please post them in Ed and the team will respond as soon as possible. Cheers, Erik

  • Week 1 Monday Lecture Slides Available

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 29 May 2023, 10:55:08 PM, last modified Tuesday 30 May 2023, 08:52:00 AM.

    Hi everyone, the slides of the Week 1 Monday lecture are available under WebCMS3 > COMP9517 > Course Work > Lectures > Week 1. The slides of the Friday lecture will be posted there before the lecture. Cheers, Erik

  • Please join a tutor consultation group

    Posted by Piumi Don Simonge Monday 29 May 2023, 08:02:06 PM.

    Dear students,

    Your tutor consultation sessions for COMP9517 will start from Week 2. You will be assigned a tutor to mentor you for your labs and the group project, so you will have the opportunity to get to know that tutor throughout the term.

    Please join a tutor consultation group on WebCMS3 this week. On the course web page on WebCMS3, go to Groups, and join a tutor group from the list of groups available by clicking the Join button. In the coming weeks, we will be creating project groups within the tutor group. If your project groups have already been established, it is essential that all members join the same tutor consultation group.

    If anyone has not joined a tutor group by Monday 05th June , we will allocate you to a group.

    If you have any problems, please post on the Ed forum.

    Best regards,


  • Online Lectures

    Posted by Erik Meijering Monday 29 May 2023, 08:54:23 AM.

    Hi Students, the online lectures will be streamed via Blackboard Collaborate. The lecture links can be found on the Moodle page of the course, under Online Lectures. The slides will be made available via WebCMS after the lecture. Cheers, Erik

  • COMP9517 Q&A Forum

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 25 May 2023, 04:08:26 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Throughout the term there will be various ways to ask questions and get answers:

    1. During the lectures. Certainly in the class room. If you're following the lectures online, you should be able to use the chat function to post questions about the presented materials at any time. With so many students we'll have to see how it works, technically and time wise, for the lecturer to actually pick them up during the lecture. Otherwise, see options 2 and 3 below.

    2. Every week (except weeks 1, 3, 10) in the second hour (14:00-15:00) of the Friday lecture time slot, you can consult with the tutors of your tutor group regarding the assignment, labs, and group project (more details on these will follow next week). In other words, we use that one hour per week sometimes for lecturing and sometimes for consulting, as announced.

    3. At any time, you can post questions in the Q&A forum. You will find the link to this forum in the main WebCMS3 panel. The platform we are using for this is called Ed. Please sign up and enroll as soon as possible using your UNSW email address to get access. The team will attempt to answer questions within 24 hours.

    Best wishes,
  • Welcome to COMP9517 23T2

    Posted by Erik Meijering Thursday 25 May 2023, 03:50:15 PM.

    Dear Students,

    Welcome to COMP9517 2023 Term 2 starting next week. I hope you're all doing well and are ready to learn about Computer Vision!

    Please have a look at the Course Outline (available via the menu in the left panel here on WebCMS3) for more details on what to expect and what's expected in this course.

    The course will be delivered partly in hybrid mode. That is, the Monday lectures will be on campus and online at the same time, while the Friday lectures will be fully online, as per the Timetable (see the menu panel on WebCMS3).

    Please come to the on-campus lecture only if you signed up for it. This is because the room (Ainsworth G03) has a maximum capacity of only 350 while we have about 500 students in the course this term. Of course, the lectures will be recorded, so you can also just watch them afterwards (attendance is not compulsory).

    This is the first time we try hybrid delivery (in the past it was either fully on campus or fully online) and also the first time we have that many students (it was more like up to 400 last year, 300 the year before, and 200 a few years back). Clearly, interest in computer vision and its many applications is growing rapidly. Please bear with us as we do our best solving technical challenges in making the course an enjoyable experience for you.

    Apart from the lectures, everything else will be done fully online this term (the only question mark at this point is the exam). See the Course Outline for the modes of delivery for the various course components.

    We will keep you posted weekly on the activities to help you stay on track.

    On behalf of the entire COMP9517 23T2 Team, which includes Co-Lecturer Dr Dong Gong, the two Course Admins Piumi and Kunzi (Winnie), and 18 Tutors, I wish you a great time learning about Computer Vision!

    Erik Meijering
    Lecturer in Charge

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